The Natural Health Center specializes in treating injuries without drugs. We use acupuncture, massage therapy, electrical stimulation, heat and cold, muscle stretching, and more to put you back into enjoying life without pain.
Traditional Oriental Medicine, which includes acupuncture (also, ‘accupuncture’), has gained worldwide acceptance and recognition. The World Health Organization recognizes acupuncture as an effective medical treatment, stating “the sheer weight of evidence demands that acupuncture must be taken seriously as a clinical procedure of considerable value.”
The State of California recognizes Licensed Acupuncturists as primary health care providers. Licenses are issued only after completion of a three to four year course of post-graduate study and the passing of an extensive written and oral examination.
Over 12 million Americans have turned to acupuncture. Personal insurance, workers compensation and auto insurance coverage for acupuncture is widespread. Oriental Medicine is becoming the complementary treatment of choice for Americans everywhere.
Only painless disposable needles are used for Acupuncture . They are as fine as a human hair and are tapped in through a tiny tube. Most don’t even know the needles are in! Painless!